Friday, April 15, 2011

End Game

I'm two months out from paying off the Civic. I had to make a decision to either put the car back to stock and trade it for a Mazdaspeed 3, or stick to my original plan to drive it into the dirt.

I've got some digging to do.

Intake designs, in order to stay competitive, tend to fall into two categories. First is the short ram that sucks hot air from above the exhaust manifold. 180°+ intake air temps are the result. The other is cold air intakes that snake a tube down to the bumper and often require cutting of the fender well and risk sucking up water.

The IDEAL setup is a short ram that picks up air from or near the fender well right where the... uh oh, battery is located.

So, with my 5 year old stock battery about to take a crap, my stock air filter needing to be replaced, and a befouled MAF sensor to boot, I decided to go ape shit and put something like this together:

It goes something like this: CR-V intake tube, on a MAF housing dremmeled from a stock airbox lid, coupled to a cone filter.  All this resides in the space where the stock battery was.  The new battery is a tiny Odyssey dry cell unit than can be relocated here or where the stock airbox was.  Everything is on order or in hand including the battery!