Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It's been over a year since I promised pretty pictures of my wonder-whip. Sadness.

Lately I've been on a quest to make a cadre of nearly useless shift knobs. So far I have two 1.375" red spherical phenolic knobs, two 1.375" brushed aluminum spherical knobs, a 1" diameter, 4.5" long precision ceramic coated aluminum shift lever, and a red anodized aluminum robot claw with a M10x1.5 tap in the bottom. Pics to follow.

Also lately, I bought a Nighthawk Black Pearl Honda Civic LX coupe, manual transmission. After basking in the glory of the all-mighty habby death sled, my wife succumbed to the beauty of of the FG and had to have one for herself. COUPE FLEET FTW.

The Exhaust bypass project is still on hold until I find a welder.