Sunday, December 31, 2006


After 11.5 hours of solo non-stop action I have replaced the stock suspension, added a stiffer sway bar, and replaced the stock brake pads.

Funny, the thing that gave me the most grief was the left rear brake pads. For some reason, I just could not get the outer pad to compress the springs AND slip into the tab slots. (If you have ever done this, you know what I'm talking about.) After an hour of trying, I finally got it in then discovered that you have to put the inner pad in first. The right side pads took something around 45 seconds to switch out, apparently I had the technique down at that point.

And now for some random pictures with descriptions:

Front HFP
Note that nowhere does it say "HFP", and that it looks just like the stockers.

Rear HFP
Note the FG2's separation of the shock from the spring.
This seems to surprise DC5, EP3 and EG owners. Also note the trailing arm where it bolts to the frame in the right of the picture. These bolts are difficult to get to on the left hand side and require bending a piece of the plastic under the car. The holes are also rather sloppy and may contribute to alignment.

Rear shock top.
Note the extra long threaded stud. Not only is the nylon insert nut a pain to turn, but you have to sit in the trunk, use a hex key to keep the rod from spinning, and turn it 8000 times. If you do this install, buy a 14 mm ratchet wrench. After the first one, I almost went and bought one to do the second shock.

This is the back side of the front hub, with the brake caliper removed.

Me, furiously trying to finish torquing the wheels so I can go test my stuff out.

I'll have driving impressions and more picutres soon.

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